About The Journal

The journal is listed as ‘’Odisha Journal of Social Science” (A peer reviewed Bi- Annual Journal , ISSN 2321 – 3493). This journal is committed to comparative research and articles that speak of cases beyond the traditional concerns of area and single-country studies. It strongly encourages trans-disciplinary analysis of contemporary and historical social change by offering a meeting space for international scholars across social sciences, including anthropology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, education, management and sociology. The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly works in the social sciences defined in the classical sense. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences. Modern technology-driven culture generates complex social problems. Foremost among these are challenges caused by globalization, environmental sustainability and quality of life in technological cultures. The human society can benefit from knowledge produced by humanities in coping with these challenges, - because in the core of this process are basic human values– of living rightly and well on a planet with finite resources. Humanities scholars and philosophers in particular, need to question the theoretical framework of their basic disciplinary training and learn how to communicate research and teach - across and beyond their silos.

Behavioural scientists are interested in the “why” and “how” of differences in behavior across countries, cultures and over time. Some want to discover laws of behaviour that apply throughout the world and all cultures. By its very nature, social science study is an interdisciplinary endeavor, drawing on technical material, traditional humanities disciplines, and variety of social science disciplines that evolved during the 19th and 20th centuries. Maintaining coherence is a genuine challenge in this context. In the 21st century, social sciences offer equal promise for improving human welfare. The advances that we have made and will be ,making, in understanding human behavior and its very deep origins, can be translated into interventions of diverse sorts that can impact hugely on human welfare.

This journal is a humble attempt in the above direction.

(Santa Misra)
Chief Editor

Curriculum vitae of Santa Misra

About Dr. Santa Misra (M.Phil.,Ph.D., D.Litt)

Dr. (Mrs.) Santa Misra is at present the Associate Professor in Department of Psychology and Principal of Sri Satya Sai College for Women, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. She started her professional career as a Lecturer in Psychology in 1982 at Banki College, Banki and subsequently she served at Godavarisha Mahavidyalaya (Banpur) Nayagarh Autonomous College (Nayagarh).

Dr.(Mrs.) Misra has M.Phil., Ph.D. Degrees in Experimental Psychology from Utkal University,Odisha and D.Litt degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from Berhampur University, Odisha. She has specialized in physiology and comparative psychology and the current focus of her work is on neuroscientific aspect of behavioral manifestation.

She is a member of several Professional Bodies and Associations, like, Odisha Psychology Association, National Academy of Psychology, Indian Psychology Institute, E-journal Antimatters, Indian Science Congress Association, Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, and World Gerontology Board of Japan, Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, USA and Global clinical Psychology, USA. She was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Post-graduate Department of Psychology, Utkal University for two years (January 2009 to January, 2011) during which she carried out her research for D.Litt. (Doctor of Literature) Degree.

Dr. Misra has several publications to her credit. She is the author of two books - Sleep Learning Theory and Practices (2011); and Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Performance (2012) and co-author of three other books- Psychology of Deviants(2009), Statistics for Behavioral and Social Sciences (2016) and A Text Book of Basic Statistics (2017) . Besides she has contributed to several other books. She has published 59 research papers in various national and international professional journals and presented 56 research papers in conferences in India and in international conferences in Russia, USA, Japan, France and Malaysia.

She has completed two research projects sponsored by the University Grants Commission of India (UGC) and has guided and supervised three Ph.D. Scholars.

She is the Chief Editor of the Journal “Odisha Journal of Social Sciences” which is a peer reviewed, self-financing biannual Journal and is on the Editorial Board of other international journals like “Journal of aging & Geriatric Psychiatry” USA, “Research Journal of Arts Management and Social Sciences”, Ulrich Publication, USA. Now she is continuing research under SPB University, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA in a project (2016 – 2018) with Prof Irina Pervova, on “Neo-liberalism influence on Social Policy Dynamic and development of national welfare state systems in developing countries (Russian Federation, Republic of India and Republic of South Africa)" She has Visited several countries on academic and social issues, like Russia, Japan, France, California and Malaysia .